Paediatric Eye Screening
Singapore has one of the highest prevalence of myopia in the world. Young children who develop myopia early in life tend to higher eye degrees and face higher risk of eye problems later in life.
Paediatric Eye Screening is critical for detecting a range of childhood eye conditions:
- Refractive Errors (Short-sightedness, Long-sightedness and Astigmatism)
- Strabismus (Squint)
- Colour Vision Deficiency
- Trichiasis (eyelashes growing inwards toward the eye)
- Poor Hand-eye Coordination
Geriatric Eye Screening
If you are over 40, we recommend you to have your eyes examined every one to two years to check for common age-related eye problems such as presbyopia, cataracts and macular degeneration. For adults with diabetes, high blood pressure and other disorders, we recommend more frequent examinations because many diseases can have impact on vision and eye health.